Character's basic life goals/objectives: (Protagonist) - He's a college-age guy, working, living his life by himself in an apartment. He is quiet, mild-mannered, honest, and typically known to "do the right thing". He just wants to get on with his life, with as little trouble as possible. He isn't nosey or curious, which is why this situation is so strange to him.
(Antagonists) - They are affiliated with the mob/a mob-like organization involved in rings of organized crime (gun-running, drugs, the usual bad stuff). And when they pay a visit to the protagonist's neighbor after a bad deal, they spot the protagonist watching them do their dirty work and figure that 'he knows too much".
Obstacles to reaching objectives: (Protagonist) - He's prevented from living a normal life by becoming a witness to the crime transpiring across the yard from his apartment. He can't remain safe if these two know he has seen them.
(Antagonists) - The protagonist is the main obstacle standing in the way of completing their objective without a hitch, and therefore, must eliminate the threat.
What are the actions the characters will use when reaching their objectives: (Protagonist) - he will run from the problem, not trying to confront it, but rather attempting to rid himself of the problem by abandoning the situation.
(Antagonists) - They will try and get rid of their 'witness', by means of kidnapping, execution, etc. because he has now effectively gotten in their way.
What are the ways and means the characters will use: (Protagonist) - He will use the city streets, alleyways, and his ability to run fast in order to dodge his assailants, darting in and out of establishments(?)
(Antagonists) - They will use skill and weapons to attempt to silence their witness, and control the situation.
What adjustments do the characters make when their actions/means don't succeed?: (Protagonist) - He will keep running, once he has been found out by the antagonists, and will continue to do so, until almost the very end.
(Antagonists) - They will take off after him, finding every possible thread to attain their witness, including where he lives, who is friends are, where he works, etc.
What realistic doings are the actors engaged in?: (Protagonist) - He will be running. Alot. Through alleys, streets, parks, sidewalks, across streets, etc.
(Antagonists) - They will be carrying a body, driving off in a car quickly, and hunting the protagonist down on foot.
Breakdown: 4 actors (total) required (not including extras)
-1 protagonist
-2 antagonists
-1 friend of protagonist
How many scenes each actor will be in:
-protagonist (almost all scenes)
-antagonists (body carrying scene, end chase scene, and final capture of protagonist
-friend (park conversation scene, end capture scene)
# and types of locations:
-Streets and alleyways (downtown)
-Apartment building
-More streets and alleyways
Special costumes and make-up required:
-'Cat burglar' or suits for antagonists to wear
-Street clothes for the protagonist/friend
Props Required:
-A sheet for the body carrying scene
-Someone's car
-A couple of fake guns
Locations Scouted:
-Streets including (front, main, monroe, madison, union (downtown))
-Alleyways between these streets
-Tom Lee Park
-Park parallel to Mud Island
-The backyard of my apartment, (Buena Vista)
- Court Square