I'd like to capture the feelings expressed in this video, or at least representations of these feelings or moods i think the piece conveys. maybe some time lapse footage of outdoor scenes at sunset or twilight, paired with footage of a single person, or couple at most, walking. I want-close ups of this so i get the details of their movement and actions, shots with hands/feet/arms/torso, etc. maybe some medium shots to establish location in space. all at twilight of course. Storyboard to come.
John Harbison - "Twilight Music"
I want to hear the music. Can you give us a link?
Sounds good, what are some other visuals you could use to represent the "winding down" of the day ?
Will you capture the emotions of the music with the peoples actions? How will they be displaying these emotions?
Where is the music? It seems that the music everyone has picked illicits some sort of emotion and we are trying to capture that emotion. The talent really needs to pull this off to work. We must be able to see the emotion in the character to feel what the music is trying to elaborate.
I remember listening to this music piece and I think it fits with what you want to capture.
'capture the feelings' hmm. It may help to find out what the song is about, cause most of these pieces are smooth disfuncional in harmony and dont really envoke nothing but sleepliness and calm. If you dont know what the song is about and are going about emotions from a purely observational standpoint it can get tricky.
I think the only hard part to this piece will be capturing the twilight of the day. Location and time will be important for the outdoor scenes. Otherwise, good idea and nice piece.
the end of this episode of home movies is what i thought of while reading your idea. check it out - starting at around 5 min 30 seconds into the video.
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